Topic: Tribology

Green Tribology: Sustainable Materials and Lubricants

Author: B. Černe, Ph.D.

Reading time: 12 min

Green tribology article cover
Tribology, the study of friction, wear, and lubrication, is fundamental in designing and maintaining mechanical systems. The emergence of green tribology emphasizes the development and application of environmentally friendly lubricants, materials, and practices. This field aims to minimize the ecological impact of tribological systems by enhancing efficiency and adopting sustainable resources, aligning closely with global sustainability goals.

The Need for Sustainable Materials and Lubricants

The environmental ramifications of traditional tribological practices are significant, ranging from pollution caused by non-biodegradable lubricants to the energy-intensive production of tribological components. Regulatory pressures and growing societal awareness have spurred the search for sustainable alternatives that can offer comparable performance while reducing environmental harm. Green tribology responds to these challenges, seeking to balance industrial needs with ecological responsibility.

Sustainable Materials in Tribology

Advances in Bio-based and Biodegradable Materials The shift towards bio-based materials in tribology is notable, with plant-based oils and greases leading the way. These substances, derived from renewable resources, exhibit excellent biodegradability and low toxicity, making them attractive alternatives to petroleum-based lubricants. Similarly, biopolymers and composite materials offer promising applications in low-wear, low-friction components, further reducing the environmental footprint of tribological systems.

Recycled and Recyclable Materials

The use of recycled metals and plastics in tribological components not only conserves natural resources but also reduces waste. Research into recyclable tribological materials is expanding, focusing on lifecycle assessments to ensure that materials can be reused or repurposed effectively, minimizing environmental impact.

Green Lubricants

Green lubricants, characterized by their biodegradability and reduced toxicity, are crucial in sustainable tribology. Vegetable oils, synthetic esters, and water-based lubricants have emerged as key players, offering performance that often matches or exceeds that of conventional lubricants. They are characterized by their biodegradability, low toxicity, and often renewable sources. Here are five types of green lubricants, each with unique properties and applications:

Vegetable Oils

Derived from plants, vegetable oils (VOs), such as canola, soybean, and sunflower oil are among the most common types of green lubricants. They are readily biodegradable and have a low toxicity profile, making them environmentally friendly. Their natural lubricity is excellent, and they have good viscosity properties, which make them suitable for use in various applications, including hydraulic fluids, metalworking fluids, and as base stocks for greases. However, their use can be limited by oxidative stability [1] and poor low-temperature performance, which can be improved with additives.

VO-based lubricants face challenges related to ethical concerns regarding their source, substandard oxidative stability leading to degradation, poor corrosion protection, and compatibility issues with machinery materials, contributing to increased production costs. However, there are perspectives to address these challenges by utilizing non-edible oil-bearing feedstocks, improving production methods, exploring genetic engineering, recycling waste oils, developing innovative technologies, and advancing chemical transformations and additive technologies, while also emphasizing the importance of confirming performance properties, promoting consumer acceptance, and prioritizing environmental assessments and sustainable practices through collaborative efforts between stakeholders [2].

Synthetic Esters

Created through the esterification of organic acids and alcohols, synthetic esters can be tailor-made to exhibit specific properties, such as improved thermal stability, better low-temperature performance, and enhanced lubricity. They are biodegradable and have lower toxicity than petroleum-based oils, making them suitable for high-performance applications in aviation, automotive, and industrial lubricants. Synthetic esters are often used in environmentally sensitive areas, such as marine and forest applications.

Polyalkylene Glycols (PAGs)

PAGs are synthetic lubricants known for their excellent thermal stability, high lubricity, and resistance to the formation of sludge deposits. Most variants are water-soluble (with alternative water-insoluble and oil-soluble variants also existing [3]) and can be designed to be biodegradable, making them an environmentally friendly option for applications requiring high-performance lubrication, such as compressors, gears, and hydraulic systems. PAGs are also used in applications where there is potential contact with water, as they can reduce environmental impact.

Ionic Liquids

A newer class of green lubricants, ionic liquids are salts that are liquid at room temperature and possess a unique set of properties, including excellent thermal stability, non-flammability, and high ionic conductivity. Their lubricity and ability to be engineered with specific functionalities make them promising as lubricants in extreme conditions, such as high temperature and vacuum environments [4]. They are also being studied for their biodegradability and potential as environmentally friendly lubricants in specialized applications.

Each of these green lubricants offers a combination of environmental benefits and performance characteristics that make them suitable for replacing traditional lubricants in specific applications. The ongoing development of green lubricants focuses on improving performance, enhancing biodegradability, and reducing costs to make them more accessible for widespread use.Innovations in additive technologies have further enhanced their performance, addressing challenges related to stability, wear resistance, and operating temperature ranges.

Advances in Tribological Practices for Sustainability

Surface Engineering and Coatings

Advancements in surface engineering, including the development of eco-friendly coatings, have significantly reduced friction and wear in mechanical systems. These technologies not only extend the lifespan of components but also contribute to energy savings and reduced emissions.

Energy-efficient Tribological Design

Designing for efficiency has become a cornerstone of green tribology. By optimizing the interface between moving parts, engineers can significantly reduce energy consumption and enhance the sustainability of mechanical systems.

Lifecycle Assessment (LCA)

LCA is increasingly used to evaluate the environmental impact of tribological components and systems throughout their entire lifespan. This approach helps identify areas for improvement, from material selection to end-of-life recycling or disposal.

Remanufacturing and Reconditioning

Extending the life of tribological components through remanufacturing and reconditioning not only reduces waste but also conserves energy and materials. These practices are integral to a sustainable approach to tribology, emphasizing repair and reuse over replacement.

Case Studies

Aerospace Applications

The aerospace industry, known for its stringent performance requirements, is actively exploring green tribology solutions. Researchers are developing bio-based lubricants for aircraft engines, aiming to reduce emissions and dependency on fossil fuels. Additionally, biomimicry-inspired surfaces are being incorporated into aircraft components to improve aerodynamics and reduce friction.

Automotive Innovations

In the automotive sector, where the demand for fuel efficiency is relentless, sustainable lubricants and materials are gaining traction. Engine components lubricated with vegetable oil-based formulations have shown improved wear resistance and reduced friction, contributing to better fuel economy.

Future Directions

The field of green tribology is dynamic, with ongoing research shaping its future.

Circular Economy Approach

A circular economy approach is gaining prominence, emphasizing the recycling and reuse of materials. In tribology, this involves developing systems that can recover and regenerate lubricants, reducing waste and promoting sustainability.

Advanced Computational Modeling

Advanced computational modeling techniques are helping researchers design and optimize materials at the molecular level. This allows for the precise tailoring of tribological properties, minimizing the need for extensive experimental testing and accelerating the development of sustainable solutions.

Challenges and Opportunities

While green tribology offers a path towards more sustainable mechanical systems, several challenges remain. Technical hurdles, such as achieving the desired performance in extreme conditions, and economic factors, including the cost of developing and adopting new materials and technologies, pose significant barriers. However, the growing demand for sustainable solutions presents significant opportunities for innovation and development in this field.


Green tribology represents a critical intersection of engineering and environmental stewardship, offering a framework for developing sustainable mechanical systems. Through the adoption of bio-based materials, green lubricants, and energy-efficient designs, this field plays a pivotal role in reducing the environmental impact of industrial operations. Continued innovation and collaboration across industries and disciplines are essential to overcome existing challenges and fully realize the potential of green tribology.


[1] N. J. Fox and G. W. Stachowiak, ‘Vegetable oil-based lubricants—A review of oxidation’, Tribology International, vol. 40, no. 7, pp. 1035–1046, Jul. 2007, .001. doi: 10.1016/j.triboint.2006.10.

[2] N. Soodoo, L. Bouzidi, and S. S. Narine, ‘Fundamental Structure–Function Relationships in Vegetable Oil-Based Lubricants: A Critical Review’, Lubricants, vol. 11, no. 7, Art. no. 7, Jul. 2023, doi: 10.3390/lubricants11070284.

[3] The Chemistry of Polyalkylene Glycol (PAG) Lubricants – Lubrication Expert’. Accessed: Feb. 27, 2024. [Online]. Available:

[4] J. Song, ‘Research Progress of Ionic Liquids as Lubricants’, ACS Omega, vol. 6, no. 44, pp. 29345–29349, Oct. 2021, doi: 10.1021/acsomega.1c04512.